
Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Curios parrot

Once there was a parrot looking threw an explorers telescope wondering what it was.

It tried pecking and pushing while the hunter wasn't looking but it didn't move at all.

So the parrot just tried even harder then the hunter saw and gave the parrot a new home and a fun place to play and the telescope was part of it.

Year after year every hunting season he would go see the happy bird play and sleep and eat.

As the parrot got older it moved away.


  1. What a wonderful story Edward. It was nice to read the hunter was kind and gave him a home and visited him every year. The native birds like, the Tui, the Kereru and the fantail have visited the trees close to my house. I enjoy seeing them and hearing their song. Do you have a pet bird or see native birds where you live?
    Well done Edward.
    Na Mrs Stevenson

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