
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Paddle boarding at Lake Ngatu

2 weeks ago Te whare Tui went to go paddle boarding at lake ngatu. We left at 09:00 and came back at 14:00.It took 20 minuets to get to the lake.when we got to the lake we got into our togs and had morning tea.After morning tea we could get in the water while group 1 went out on the we went on the lake and did the same thing as the first group and then group 3 did the same as us and then we went home.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2019 Christmas Week in Te Manga

This is what I have done at the end of the year in 2019.I have loved being with my Favorited teacher whaea deb.
 This is my normal photo

 This is my silly photo

 This is my normal class photo
  This is my silly class photo
 This is my best friend Zaviah

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


This slide deck is all about my learning in 2019.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Math Strategies

I have been learning some different math strategies to solve  addition and a subtraction.

I have had the class site to help me with my learning and I don't have to ask Whaea Deb what to do because I know.

This is my subtraction video.

This is my addition video

Coopers Beach Camp

My highlight at camp was kayaking down the creek and when you let me launch the kayak on my own and when I fell out of the kayak on purpose.  It was great when you were pushing me down the hill and making me and Arahia dart down the hill on the sleds. I really enjoyed it when you let me go across the tightrope without you holding the rope. Thank-you for watching me on the tramp to see me do a forward flip. I can't believe that you let me do the brooming on the slide. I loved it when you were helping us on the hardest obstacle course on earth.

Check out my slide about my camp experience.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

The name of my country is England. This is my mapping activity. The link to the instructions are on our class site.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Film festival-Te-ahu-7th November 2019

Today (7th of November) our class went to the Click on this link to watch the Manaiakalani Film Festival movies. At nine o'clock to 11.36. We watched our film and 8 kids from Te Kauru came too because they had a film too.  We won the second (2nd) in the best film and Ahipara school won first place.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Draft - Duffy Theatre - Magic Bricks

On the holidays Duffy went to his favourite cousins house.But when he arrives he feels sad because Sam is addicted to gaming and Sam would not let Duffy have a turn.So he put on Nana whetu glasses and did the dumpling dance and a in a heart beat he faded into the game.

later he had to pick a skin,So duff picked the one with the mussels, then the dismantler came and the dismantler will destroy anything that looks like bricks because the dismantler is programmed like that.Then the dismantler tried to take apart Duffy.

So Duffy changed his skin. Later Duffy made friends with the dismantler and the dismantler called Duffy Duffy fluffy chicken. The dismantler also needed energy so the dismantler when saw the last hot dog the dismantler ate the last hot dog.
5 mins later Sam came in and tried to help and make the word whetu. One second later the dismantler came and tried to mess up the word. but Duffy fluffy chicken hid them and moved as the dismantler moved to hied he brick word whetu.
Soon Duffy fluffy chicken and Sam realised that it was not the glasses dumpling dance that got Duffy fluffy chicken and Sam in the game it was the dumpling dance that got Duffy fluffy chicken and Sam in the game. So Duffy fluffy chicken and Sam did the dumpling dance.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Parapara Detectives

WALT explore a problem and the arguments for and against different solutions.
WALT work out the meaning of unknown words






Friday, September 27, 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

In Te Manga we have been learning about the Rugby World Cup . My country is England and I have learnt that the language is English, the capital city is London,the population is 55.62 million people. Some of the local dishes are Sunday roast, yocksirey podding and mushy peas. Some animals in England are red deer, fox, wood mouse. This is the English flag, it's called the St George Cross.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

T3 W7 - Mango - Severe Weather SJ SL 3

T3 W7 - Mango - Severe Weather SJ SL 3

WALT understand different kinds of severe weather.

WALT think critically about some of the effects that different weather patterns can have.

  1. Interesting or Tricky Words
People whose job it is to analyse predict the weather
A nz organisation that provides weather forecast
Objects in space that go round Earth and collect info for example info about weather
Equipment that uses radio waves to identify
The usual weather in a place
Water vapor
The gas state of (not liquid or solid)

Southern alps
A range of mountain running along a large section of South Island
One of the larger land masses in the world,such as Australia or africa
Gale force
Winds between 60  and 115 kilometers
Wear away

2. Choose one of the subheadings in your text. Summarise the information in your own words - one paragraph.


A tropical cyclone is like a very big fluffy spinning top that makes an underwater tornado that can suck you in if you get to close.syclones are very strong winds and have very strong suction.they mostly appear in warm sea and most of the times they appear there is a big storm.every time there is a cyclone little boats go to help.

Monday, September 16, 2019

second draft - The Tortoise And The Hare - NZ play house

Today we where entertained by the NZ play house presented to us the Tortoise and the hare. The actors that played was the piper the Tortoise the Hare biscuit boy and last Humpty Dumpty. As we came in we saw a very funny girl trying to put the finished line together but it always fell apart and when it finely stayed to together the hare ran in and it fell apart again.The invisible man started the race the biscuit boy started early but the hare over took biscuit boy and won the race the next race the Tortoise was slow and the hare took a nap and the tortes was just about to win the race!! And and the Tortoise wins!!!

Monday, September 9, 2019

First Draft - The Great Reading Adventure Assembly

I have written about my class assembly. I am at the editing stage so you might see some mistakes.I am still working on it and will post my published writing next week.

On Friday we had our assembly about the great reading adventure. There where two classes Te tinana and Te manga I was excited. I was a nonfiction character so I was a dinosaur and I seed Dinosaurs roamed the land  millions of years ago they where fearless meat eaters with sharp teeth and claws and they hunted in packs.The other people in the group was Mason.t Lara Reina Edmond and carry. Our group was nonfiction harry potter marui and the sun cat and the hat thing one thing two and superheroes. There was a lot of dancing and singing. the Duffy song was played last.I was the leader of the side music was I like the movit movit.the superheros jokes where cool the jokes where what did iron man say to spider man?don’t bug me. where do most superheroes live? In cape town.what is a superheroes favourite drink? did batman mum call him for dinner?Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana Dana batman.Edmond that was the space seed there is no wind on the moon so the Apollo astronauts footprints would probably stay there for 100000 years.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Caught Being a Good Dad

I had to write a nomination for my dad.It was easy to write because dad does lots of things for me.I really hope my dad wins caught being a good dad.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Edward water cycle water

me and my class got a letter and we had to make a poster about our letter

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Movie Making with Harley

What we did

We learnt what the characters we need to make a movie
Director - the director says turn over
Camera - camera speed
Sound - sound speed
Clipper Clapper - "        shot" Take 1

The different roles in a film crew
Camera Person
Sound Operator
Clipper Clapper Person

Things that each person says

Director - Turn Over, Action, Cut
Camera Person - Camera Speed
Sound Operator - Sound Speed
Clipper Clapper Person - Shot __, Take ___
Different types of shots that are filmed
Establishing shot
Wide Shot
Medium Shot
Close Up Shot
Extreme close up shot 

Equipment that a film crew needs

boom pole - sound pole
Camera - Ipad - use the grid lines
clipper clapper
clip board
megaphone (huge film set)

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

label the water cycle

walt label the different parts of the water cycle

making puddles - our water cycle experiment

WALT explain what happens when water evaporates.

What was our hypothesis?

We think that puddle will evaporate faster in the sun than in the shade.

Describe what we did?

1. kiarn tipped 2L of water on the concrete to make a puddle in the shade.
2.mason.l and kiarn drew around the puddle with chalk and Riley took a picture.
3. we waited 15 mins to check the puddles to see how much water had evaporation.

What happened?
Think about which puddles disappeared faster? the one in the sun.

 What caused the water to disappear? the sun.


the water cycle a - z

walt find key words related to the water cycle

Friday, August 9, 2019

Splitting Math Strategies

Walt solve subtraction equations using the splitting strategy.

Take a look at my math strategy slide deck.

I have made a screencastify video to explain how to use the place value strategy.Please watch my video.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Ka Pai Kai with Whaea Anna

Walt cook healthy food with Whaea Anna. She is teaching us all about healthy eating.

My group is group 5 in the group is Liv Edward Koda Reilly Lara.
We are making spaghetti bolognese. Our recipe needs mince and dried pasta. The equipment we will use are chopping boards, knives pots pans forks and bowls.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Amazing Water Facts by Zana and Edward

In Term 3 we are learning about water.

Some of the water facts are the sun evaporates a trillion (1 000 000 000 000) tonnes of water each day. Another is the 'old faithful' geyser in Yellowstone national park,USA, can spout water 25 meters into the air. 66% of the house hold water is used to flush toilets or take baths and showers.

I felt more excited then ever when I did the video  because I got to say the amazing water facts.

Click on our video to see the best water facts.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Lion King Movie at Te Ahu - First Draft

Yay it is finally Thursday, the day Te Tenana and Te Manga are waiting for to go to te ahu to go watch the lion king. first we boarded the bus and zoomed to te ahu. When we arrived we sat down for 15 mins and then got the drinks and watched the popcorn cook. next we got the popcorn and sat and waited for everyone to come in and start the movie. the movie started with pride rock and simba is born then rafiki held simba to show the animals the future king.